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Fundraiser for Bailey Holt Memorial Nursing Scholarship

Bailey Holt lost her life in a school shooting in Benton, Kentucky on January 23, 2018. She was only 15 years old. Shortly after the shooting, I discovered that I am related to Bailey (through marriage). Suddenly, senseless violence was closer to me than it had ever been (except for perhaps Sept 11), and I was shaken. I subsequently wrote a song about her, titled "Bailey," recorded it and released it on Gaps in the Stories. (Below is an abbreviated kinship chart showing how I am related to Bailey.) I am donating the profits from the sale of that song ("Bailey") and all donations obtained through fundraising (on Facebook, and through contacts) to the Bailey Holt Memorial Nursing Scholarship at Murray State University. Bailey had hoped to be a nurse, so her family set up this scholarship with the Kentucky Nursing Association.

I am also planning a few gigs, most likely house concerts, as fundraisers--stay tuned!

Thank you to all that have already donated, and to those that have purchased the song.

To donate through Facebook, please visit:

Or contact me directly at

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